Monday, December 28, 2009

A Bit of History

Ok, so, where to begin. As this blog thing has been suggested to us as both therapy and a means by which to provide updates, I guess I needn't go back too far. I mean, those who know us ...know we've got a happy family that we started well before marriage, with the arrival of our first born, Baron ...a very big, very lovable German Shepherd (who turned 10yrs old on 02/06/2009). Then came the house, then came marriage, then came Joanita Cate Goodson ...a beautiful, 8lb 10oz, baby girl born 4/27/2007. She has changed our lives in the happiest, most tiring fashion!

We knew we didn't want her to be an only child ...what fun is that? So we were thrilled when we found that Halloween 2008 yielded us with another baby. However, we found out in February 2009 that it wasn't meant to be; we had lost our baby weeks earlier.

Seeing as how turning 39 brought me that much closer to the feared 4-0 mark, we didn't waste any time trying again. My birthday weekend turned out to be quite the celebration ...a month later, Bob got a positive pregnancy test for Father's Day! Though we were a bit more guarded and private with our elation, we were both so thrilled to have another one on the way.

The Dr. must have sensed our apprehension; when we were well out of our 1st trimester and had a 2nd quick ultrasound to show she was, in fact, alive and well, the Dr. looked at us and said, "OK you two, you're allowed to be excited now!" And that was the point which I finally tried to let my guard down. In hindsight, I wonder if I should have, or if I ever really did ...something had me dreading just about every appointment with this new OB.

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